Keep Columbia, MO Employees Hydrated at Work this Summer

Columbia, MO Soda Machines | Cold Drink Options | Hydrated Employees

Keep Columbia, MO Employees Hydrated at Work this Summer

Columbia, MO Soda Machines | Cold Drink Options | Hydrated Employees

Filtered water is a great way to get hydrated during summer, even if employees work in an office. It’s a delicious drink that helps Columbia, MO staff meet health goals and boosts well-being. Finally, it’s easy to add to any size break room.

Don’t let the summer heat drain energy and focus. Instead, opt for water filtration to bring out the best in your team.

Staying Hydrated at Work is a Must

Most people are thought to be dehydrated. Signs include headaches, fuzzy thinking, and poor mood. Without enough water to flush the body and aid internal processes, staff can experience poor health. To stay at your best, drink half your body weight in ounces of water.

What Stops People From Drinking Enough Water

If most people need to drink 85 to 100 ounces of water per day, what stops them? Especially Columbia, MO employees who have access to water fountains and kitchen taps. The truth is there isn’t just one answer. There are three. Here’s why people don’t drink enough water to stay hydrated.

1. It Tastes Bad

The biggest reason many people avoid drinking water is the taste. Chemicals left over from sanitizing the water can give it a metallic or acidic taste. High iron levels, old water pipes, and certain groundwater contaminants can also impact taste. These don’t make the water undrinkable, just less palatable.

Adding a water filtration system to the break room can remove bad flavors. Water is run through a special filter that absorbs chemicals and dissolved particles. The water on the other end tastes pure and clean.

2. It’s Not Convenient

If good-tasting water isn’t in the break room, it’s not convenient enough. Busy staff need easy and delicious drink options on-site. That’s the beauty of a water filtration system. It makes better-tasting water on-demand, hot or cold. Get a perfect fit in your Columbia, MO break room with a countertop or floor-standing model.

3. It’s Boring

Water is so natural, that we at times consider it boring or tasteless. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Certain water systems let users add carbonation. The sparkling bubbles give the water a sharp fizz that many find more pleasing than plain water.

Want to go the extra mile? Explore a water filtration unit that lets you create a personalized water beverage with bubbles and flavor. Choose from tart fruit flavors to refreshing minty bursts. Add sweetener or keep it natural. These units are a great way to make water a drinking experience.

Columbia, MO Vending Drinks | Filtered Office Water | Break Room Services

Alternative Ways to Stay Hydrated

Let’s be real. Your staff isn’t going to drink just water all day, every day. There needs to be other, portable ways to stay hydrated in the break room. Our Columbia, MO beverage vending machines are a great option. Besides bottled water and soft drinks, we stock juices, lemonades, and sparkling waters.

Need more beverage variety to keep staff happy and hydrated? Consider a Columbia, MO micro market. The cooler space is more open with plenty of room for drinks in glass bottles, extensions of popular drinks, and healthy drink alternatives. Look for iced teas, iced coffee, sports drinks, enhanced water, and kombuchas.

Get Healthy and Hydrated With Filtered Water

Let APEX Restaurant & Market Solutions help you keep a happy and strong staff with water filtration service. Employees will drink more water because it tastes good, is easy to get, and is special. The increase in staff hydration benefits health, improves thinking, and boosts mood. It’s a great way to support your team.

Reach out to APEX Restaurant & Market Solutions for more information about getting a water filtration system. Or learn more about other Columbia, MO break room services, such as office coffee, to benefit your staff. Call (636) 861-8499 today.